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The other was the globe. ….

The other was the globe.

The name Golden Rain was given to the corporation’s foundation, which still is at the center of government and management in Leisure World Seal Beach. The name was also given to Leisure World, Laguna Hills, which is now known as Laguna Woods Village.

The fast-growing, deciduous tree reaches about 30 feet in height. At maturity, it has a rounded crown, with a spread equal to or greater than the height. Its leaves, which give it a lacy appearance, turn yellow before falling.

The tree is most striking in the fall with its large clusters of bright yellow flowers that hang from the drooping branches, bringing to mind “golden rain.” These are followed by two-inch red-purple seed pods, which are equally dramatic.

In 2012, there were few of the original trees left, including one at Turtle Lake Golf Course, and a couple in Mutuals 5 and 15.

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