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Community Church

Community Church has been studying an ancient translation of the Bible in Aramaic, which is considered to be the language of Jesus and the first disciples. This Aramaic version has been translated directly into English only recently and it yields all kinds of amazing insight. For one, Jesus talks about counsel instead of kingdom. It is a dramatic shift that means rather than waiting for God to act, believers must act according to the counsel of God to create the community Jesus had in mind.

Community Church is often called “the friendly church” and welcomes people of all backgrounds. It invites new people to come early for a cup of coffee before worship to get a feel for the community and stay for award-winning music and a powerful message.

Due to COVID cases rising, people who want to attend the in-person worship service must provide proof of vaccination but masking is optional. The church also offers online services for those who do not want to risk exposure.

Entrances to the church may be found both at the front of the church and the pedestrian gate between the church and the shops.

Those who are in need without another way to address it can call the church office line at (562) 431-2503.

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