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Assembly of God

Service/Gathering Times:

Sunday morning at 10:30 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2; Wednesday morning Bible study at 10 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2; the Hymn Sing will be held Sunday, Aug. 28, at 6 p.m. in the Clubhouse 3 Lobby.

Sermon for this week:

Politics have always been rich with intrigue, jealousy, lies and contempt. But at one point in history, the rulers of Israel and Judah not only wanted people out of office, or better yet, dead.

Athaliah was the daughter of two of the most evil characters recorded in the Bible. When her son, Ahaziah died, she seized power and proceeded to systematically exterminate the rest of the family so she could rule. But when God is working his will, there is always a twist to the story.

LWers can learn how this story with such treachery and sadness, brings glory to God and can encourage believers today with a message from Pastor Chuck Franco on Sunday, Aug. 28. The Hymn Sing will be held on Aug. 28 at 6 p.m. in the Clubhouse 3 Lobby. All LW residents and friends are welcome to enjoy the old hymns, followed by a brief teaching and fellowship.

Bible Study: Pastor Chuck will lead session 2 of the series, “Whisper,” by Mark Batterson.

Sometimes the best way to get someone’s attention is to whisper. When there are many voices screaming for attention, it might seem as if God’s voice is drowned out.

However, those listening for his voice will hear him. This study trains the spiritual ear to hear God speaking. A short teaching video clip is followed by a focused discussion and student participation.

Contact: More information can be found at www.lwassemblyofgod. com.

Those who would like prayer, personal contact from a pastor or a DVD of the Sunday morning sermon can contact pastors Chuck and Sheryl Franco by calling (562) 357-4360 or emailing pastorchuck@lwassemblyofgod. com. Carolyn van Aalst is also available to receive prayer requests at (562) 343-8424.

Pastor Chuck Franco’s sermons can be accessed on the Faithlife app under “Leisure World Assembly of God,” where people can also give online.

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