Shuffleboard Club
Seventeen members of the LW Shuffleboard Club met on Aug. 10 and unanimously voted to add an Evening Shuffleboard League. Evening league games will begin in October and play four consecutive weeks. Two teams are needed with at least six members for each team.
The club also took action to reduce the Friday Morning League play to just two games. With the membership growth over the last few months, there may be additional teams this year. The Friday Morning League will begin in late September with teams being assigned by mid-September.
League participants must live in Leisure World and be members of the LW Shuffleboard Club. The annual dues of the club are $5, due no later than Sept. 16.
Everyone is invited to attend the Friday night shuffleboard open house on Friday, Aug. 26 and Friday, Sept. 16 to learn more about the game, the club, and shuffleboard courts. People can also stop by the courts building (behind Clubhouse 1) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9-11 a.m.
Everyone interested in playing shuffleboard can contact Kay Mount at (775) 527-0426 or email —Kay Schultz Mount