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Letters to the Editor


GRF must recognize that some Leisure Worlders like to work out early because the gym opens at 6 a.m. during the weekdays. There are many of us who would like the pool to open earlier than 8:30. Ideally, the pool would open at the same time as the gym, but we are open to anything sooner than 8:30.

A few reasons to open the pool early:

•We work; we have meetings; we have things to do during the day, and we want to get our swim workout in before our active day begins. By the time one does a workout starting 8:30, then showers, we’ve missed a lot of things.

• Many of us have sun sensitive skin. Opening the pool earlier would allow us to swim before the harmful rays of the sun become stronger, further damaging our skin.

• Currently the pool gets crowded and the lanes double up quickly. The LW pool lanes are six feet wide. The standard for most lap pool lanes is eight feet wide. And to make it even worse, the lanes near the walls are more challenging because there is a wall in the way.

• One would think that the current crowded conditions are a clear indication that GRF needs to open the pool earlier than 8:30.

If you want an earlier opening, please contact the Recreation Committee by email at recreationcommittee@

and attend the next Recreation Committee meeting at 1 p.m. on Aug. 31 in Conference Room B to tell members how you feel.

Ron Belben Mutual 2 Editor:

So, the Democrats in congress can pass a bill with billions in new spending and taxes against the wishes of the Republican Party, but it can’t (read won’t) pass gun control legislation. Interesting. So much for the argument that Republicans are the ones standing in the way of more gun control.

Ed Murphy Mutual 5 Editor:

Regarding a letter concerning the offensive abortion flag (Aug. 11), there are two sentences in that letter I want to address. Abortion is not the death of a child. It is the termination of a pregnancy, a fetus, which is terminated for various reasons, including rape, incest, accidental pregnancy or in some cases the life of the mother.

The second sentence to be addressed makes the point for me when the writer stated that her mother chose not to terminate. Exactly!

Those who don’t believe in abortion should never have one, but don’t force your views on the world because not everyone believes as you do. That is what makes America great. I do not believe that a raped 10-year-old should be forced to carry and have a rapist’s baby when she herself is still a baby.

Thank God my granddaughters live in a blue state. There are 22 red states now that are forcing women to have babies, no exception.

So, yes, I agree that flag was offensive, and I am very glad I have not seen it lately.

A. Rosenfeld Mutual 14 Editor:

My sincere thanks to both GRF Service Maintenance and Fenn Pest Control for their quick response to our call for help in thwarting an ant invasion.

With their help, we can now claim another seasonal “victory” over these ever relentless, creative and industrious foes.

I just wanted to share that this resource is so readily available.

Lee Howell Mutual 5


A letter defending a resident who apparently flies flags with messages that offend some residents (Aug. 11) described the man as a former U.S. Air Force vet of 29 years, an admirable length of service. The writer went on further to describe the “offender” as a member of the Republican Club and an admirable neighbor, all very well and good.

These flags are apparently reminders of the theory that abortion means death to a “child.” That is, of course, a personal opinion and very much open to interpretation and debate. So it is not surprising that some residents are very offended by this man’s flying those flags. Nor is it surprising that the letter writer feels it is important to defend this activity, especially as the latter portion of her letter is a passionate defense of anti-abortion. Namely, her mother, some 89 years earlier, gave birth to the letter-writer despite being told that she would die if she chose to give birth. While I realize that a lot of progress has been made in medical practice over the past 89 years, it did strike me as odd that any doctor would say this without evidence. But despite any “evidence” to the contrary, her mother decided to carry her to birth. As she reported, her mother lived to be over 90 and delighted in her only child.

All well and good, and I am glad her mother gave birth to the child she wanted, and that all turned out well.

There is one fact that the letter-writer does not realize she defended: the woman’s right to choose.

I agree with that right and rest my case. It is the woman’s right to choose, and no one else’s business.

Lynne Burt-Jenkins Mutual 7

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