Duplicate Bridge
Overall winners in the 7½-table game on July 21 were Priscilla Caillouette and Larry Topper witha67.26%game;secondwere Lynn Danielson and Jane Reid with a 61.92% game; third were Sibyl Smith and Al Appel with a 60.93% game.
In the Club Championship 7-table game on July 22, overall winners were Judy Jones and Al Appel with a 60.71% game; tied for second were Linda Nye and Sue Boswell and LaVonne Mc-Quilkin and Carol Murakoshi with 58.04% games; fourth were Bettyanne Houts and Joan Tschirki with a 57.145 game.
In a 6-table game on July 23 overall winners were Russ Gray and Larry Slutsky with a 69.72% game; second were Jeanette Estill and Linda Nye with a 60% game and third were Emma Trepinski and Dave Carman with a 59.72% game.
North/south winners in the 8-table game on July 25 were Larry Topper and Frances Gross with a 62.8% game; second were Sue Fardette and Joan Tschirki with a 58.33% game. East/ west winners were Bill Brooks and Priscilla Caillouette with a 60.71% game; second were Ellen Kice and Joyce Basch with a 54.17% game.
The Leisure World Duplicate Bridge Club meets on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Clubhouse 1 beginning at 12:30 p.m. Players should arrive no later than noon to confirm their reservations. Reservations can be made at any game using the signup sheets and/or by contacting Dan Frank at (562) 739-6441 or email danfrankcpa@gmail.com nolaterthan10a.m.ongameday.
—Gene Yaffee