Community Church
Fireworks have fuses, little bits of rope permeated with gunpowder to carry the spark of fire slowly into each firework so that it explodes safely. There are times in a person’s life where one might feel as though they have a short fuse, especially in the midst of the ongoing pandemic. While the world wants to be done with COVID, it is repeatedly reminded COVID is not done with the world. People who have experienced another person’s short fuse, whether directly or indirectly, or have found themselves having a short fuse with someone and regretting it, will benefit from Community Church’s sermon this week. The church will continue its series in the letter to the Colossians with a look at how explosive people can be to themselves and each other.
Community Church is often called “the friendly church” and welcomes people of all backgrounds. It invites new people to come early for a cup of coffee before worship to get a feel for the community and stay for award-winning music and a powerful message.
Due to COVID cases rising, people who want to attend the in-person worship service must provide proof of vaccination and wear masks.
Entrances to the church may be found both at the front of the church and the pedestrian gate between the church and the shops.
Those who are in need without another way to address it can call the church office line at (562) 431-2503.
Johan Dodge