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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

LW Democrats should be aware that their club meetings will take place on a new date and time, beginning immediately. The first meeting under this new schedule will be on the fourth Wednesday of the month, July 27, at 1 p.m.

This will be an in-person meeting in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, if technical problems can be resolved before July 27. The meeting will also be accessible via Zoom. The goal of the club’s board is to provide an opportunity for all members to participate, those who feel comfortable meeting face-to-face indoors as well as for those who don’t.

Detailed information about this first hybrid meeting, as well as the Zoom login information, will be emailed to subscribers of the club’s newsletter. It will also be posted on the club’s website. Members can call (562) 412-0898 with questions concerning the meeting.

The speaker for the next meeting will be Mariann Klinger. Her presentation is titled “Patriarchal Power Grab: Still Alive and Thriving” and will center around issues of concern to Leisure World Democrats and supporters. Of special interest to members will be California’s response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Klinger is a resident in Leisure World and a member of the Democratic Club. She spent many years as a reporter on a number of Northern California newspapers. During that period, she gained the reputation for always reporting the truth. She is currently serving as District 5 representative on the Seal Beach Planning Commission. ••• A proposed “School Choice” initiative designed to be voted on in the fall has failed to get enough signatures to qualify for the November General Election. This initiative would have created an annual $14,000 per student Education Savings Account for all parents of children enrolled in private or religious schools, regardless of the family’s income. Funding for the proposed initiative would have had to come from California’s General Fund and property taxes. There will be seven other state-wide propositions on the November ballot. ••• Weather permitting, the SBLW Democratic Club’s Information and Hospitality Booth will be open in the parking lot outside Clubhouse 6 from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. every Tuesday through September. The booth will be open on both Tuesdays and Thursdays during October.

For more in-depth reporting about plans for the upcoming General Election, as well as information about the club’s programs for the coming months, LW Democrats and no preferred party supporters can subscribe to the club’s newsletter.

This electronic newsletter is published twice a month. There is no charge for subscribing. Email or call editor Mary Larson at (562) 296-8521. People are asked to include their full name, address and phone number, as well as party affiliation when signing up.

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