Community Church
Community Church will hold services on Sunday, July 24, at 9:50 a.m. Pastor Johan Dodge will deliver a message titled “Freedom to Party.” As COVID-19 cases rise in Orange County, many people may feel it is not a time to party. This message is not meant to be flippant or encourage irresponsibility. Rather, the partyaspectofthemessage comes from the new kingdom that Jesus has come to usher in. Which begs the question, have believers lived up to the task? Are faith communities places in which people are free to be who God created them to be, or free to “party?” Or are faith communities places where people are trapped in legalism and judgment? Community Church will wrestle with these questions as a community this Sunday.
Community Church is often called “the friendly church” and welcomes people of all backgrounds. It invites new people to come early for a cup of coffee before worship to get a feel for the community and stay for award-winning music and a powerful message.
Due to COVID cases rising, people who want to attend the in-person worship service must provide proof of vaccination and wear masks.
Entrances to the church may be found both at the front of the church and the pedestrian gate between the church and the shops.
Those who are in need with- out another way to address it can call the church office line at (562) 431-2503.