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local water supply, but also ….

local water supply, but also …. local water supply, but also ….

local water supply, but also regionally and statewide. If everybody meets or exceeds this Level 2 goal, we may be able to avoid further water shortage level escalation (i.e., Level 3).

Question: Where can I direct my landscaper to find practical water saving tips?

Answer: The State Water Board and the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) are great resources for water efficiency and conservation tips. As an added option, the City of Seal Beach can arrange for one of its experts to meet with landscapers to discuss viable alternatives.

State Water Board - Save Our Water:


Question: Where can we report water waste violations?

Answer: It would be most desirable to communicate drought severity and water conservation needs through educational means, then work collectively to meet the goal. As a last resort, water waste may be reported to the State Water Board at https://

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