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On-site coalition streamlines access

On-site coalition streamlines access On-site coalition streamlines access


LW residents are welcome to attend the inaugural event of a powerful new resource coming to the community. A coalition of top Orange County agencies that focus on aging will be based in LW for easy access to services, information and programs.

A Meet and Greet will be held from 1:30-3:30 p.m. on Monday, June 20, in the breeze way where the new office is located in Building 5.

Residents are welcome to drop by and meet the collaboration team, including GRF Member Resource and Assistance Liaison Robann Arshat, who is orchestrating the new resource. There will be information about each agency, giveaways and refreshments.

As of this month, Leisure World will have on-site staff from the Council on Aging, Alzheimer’s OC and Adult Protective Services. Residents can easily book a private appointment by calling Member Resources at (562) 431-6586, ext. 317.

Council on Aging

The Council on Aging can provide

Patty Barnett Mouton (l-r, left side), Alzheimer's OC; Julie Rhee, Council on Aging; Toni Shapio, Alzheimer's OC; Mark Odom, Alzheimer's OC; Carleena Bhaduri, Alzheimers OC; on the right are Anna Derby (l-r), GAF; Carolina Gutierrez Richau, Council on Aging; Madai Magana, lead case manager, ReConnect Early Intervention Program; Robann Arhsat, GRF Member Resources and Assistance liaison; Carl Kennedy, GAF; and GRF President Susan Hopewell. (Not pictured are Adult Protective Services workers Mara Peters, Andrea Simons, Kim Holland as APS doesn't allow staff to be photographed.) free help with a variety of programs, which include:

Friendly Visitors: Trained volunteers who can visit or call isolated older and disabled adults on a weekly basis.

Reconnect Program: Offers no-cost short-term and private comprehensive services to Orange County residents ages 60 and above who are experiencing emotional challenges and overall health barriers, particularly those appearing later in life.

Senior Protection & Financial Abuse Specialist Team: Staff helps seniors recognize and guard themselves from financial abuse, scams, and fraud.

HICAP: The Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program helps Medicare beneficiaries understand their benefits so they can choose the options best suited for their needs. HICAP can also provide advocacy when a senior’s health care benefits and rights are threatened or denied. All of these programs from the Council on Aging offer supportive social structure from trained volunteers who can identify clients’ unmet needs and ongoing assistance.

Alzheimers OC

Alzheimer’s OC offers help with a variety of programs at no cost. With 40 years of helping people affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, its services and programs are designed for people struggling with memory loss. There are also programs for caregivers, families and friends who face challenges caring and interacting with those who suffer from Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Adult Protective Services

Adult Protective Services serves senior adults, protecting them from abuse, neglect or exploitation. It also advocates for seniors who have been harmed or are at risk of harm and can provide crisis intervention.

APS workers investigate and are focused on remedying cases of abuse, neglect or exploitation. They work closely with a wide variety of allied professionals such as physicians, nurses, paramedics, firefighters and law enforcement officers. APS also has a vast list of community resources and can assist the elderly and their family members in developing individualized care plans.

Golden Age Foundation

The Golden Age Foundation is a Leisure World non-profit volunteer group that has been serving Leisure World for over 48 years with a variety of programs especially designed to enhance LW living. Programs include the free loan of mobility aids such as walkers and wheelchairs, a document shredding service, emergency-help resources and so much more.

Golden Rain Foundation

None of this would be possible without the GRF, which provided the space, equipment and budget to get the on-site collaboration started. The team’s goal is to help each resident thrive safely and successfully as they age in the comfort of their own homes.

Appointments are required. To set up an appointment with a social worker, call Robann Arshat in Member Resources at (562) 431-6586, ext. 317.

People who need immediate help should contact:

• Council on Aging: (714) 479-0107,

• Alzheimer’s OC: (844) 435-7259 (24 hours), services.

• Adult Protective Services: (800) 451-5155 (24 hours).

• Golden Age Foundation: (562) 431-9589,

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