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the Democratic candidate in that ….

the Democratic candidate in that district, Jay Chen.

It’s been more than a decade since California switched to its “jungle primary” selection. The two candidates with the most votes—regardless of party affiliation or whether one of them gets a majority in June—now square off in November. Nonpartisan local races in Orange County will also narrow down to two finalists, although a strong contender can win outright in the Primary with a majority of votes.

LW Democrats and supporters can call (562) 296-8521 for more information about these and other races. ••• The Board of Education is the only Orange County nonpartisan race in which there is no run-off in the November General Election. The person with the most votes is elected to the board in the Primary, regardless of the number of votes he or she receives. Candidates running in LW’s District 2 are Republican Mari Barke, Libertarian Party member Christopher Ganiere and Martha Fluor, who has declined to state her party. Call (562) 296-8521 to receive more information regarding this race. ••• Information booth outside Clubhouse 6 will be open every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. until after the Primary election. Volunteers will also be available to assist voters in getting their ballots to the Registrar of Voters’ drop box. Call (562) 296-8521 for more information about ballot drop-off.

For more news about candidates as well as other issues, LW Democrats and their supporters can subscribe to the club’s free electronic newsletter. Email editor Mary Larson at democraticclubsblw@ and include contact information.

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