Republican Club
by Brian Harmon
LW contributor
The LW Republican Club recently received the following memo from State Sen. Janet Nguyen regarding utility bill assistance programs that will help many residents: “If you are struggling to pay your utility bills, you are not alone. More than 3.6 million California customers have fallen behind on paying their bills. I wanted to share the following programs that offer financial assistance. “California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Offers lowincome customers a 30-35% discount on their electric bill and a 20% discount on their natural gas bill. “Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA) Offers families whose household income slightly exceeds the CARE allowances an 18% discount on their electric bill. “California Arrearage Payment Program (CAPP) Offers financial assistance to eligible customers to help reduce past due utility bill balances that increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Providing relief is critical. If you have any questions, contact me at (714) 843-4966 or email Assemblymember.Nguyen@assembly.
“I am honored to represent you in the California State Assembly.”
Sen. Nguyen is one of the candidates endorsed by the LW Republican Club in the upcomingPrimary election.
Now that Primary election ballots are mailed out and people can begin voting, the LW Republican Club offers a few ideas for residents to consider for judicial elections:
• Superior Court Judge Office No 5: Orange County Deputy District Attorney Claudia Alvarez is endorsed by OC Sheriff Don Barnes, the OC Deputy Ddistrict Attorney Association (DDAA) and others.
• Office No. 9: OC DDA Christopher Duff is also endorsed by the OC DDAA and Barnes, as well as the OC Deputy Sheriffs Association.
• Office No. 11: OC Chief Assistant DA Shawn Nelson is endorsed by the OC Deputy Sheriffs Association Crime Victims United and the Police Officer Research Association. Nelson, a Republican, was an OC Supervisor for eight and a half years.
• Office No. 21: OC Senior DDA Erin Rowe, a DDA for 26 years, is endorsed by Barnes, OC DDAA, and local police associations.
• Office No. 22: 25- year DDA Brahim Baytieh is endorsed by Barnes and 17 police chiefs.
• Office No. 28: OC DDA Eric Scarbrough is endorsed by Barnes, the OC Deputy Sheriffs Association and Republican OC Supervisor Andrew Do.
• Office No. 30: Los Angeles County DDA Andrea Mader is the only Republican candidate for Office No. 30 to come to the Meet the Candidates event held by the LW Republican Club. She has been a DDA for 15 years in LA, where she risked her job by opposing the policies of LA District Attorney George Gascon, who has been criticized for releasing criminals prematurely.
• Office No. 45: OC Senior DDA Israel Claustro is endorsed by Barnes and many others.
••• The information and hospitality booth will be open on Monday and Wednesday. Voter guides will be given out, and merchandise will be available for purchase.
The club website can be found at www.lwrepublicans. com.
To receive more information or join the club, send an email to