Travel Opportunities
The following trips and events are organized by Janet Karter. For more information, contact Karter at (562) 924-1938 or (562) 715-0520. Checks can be sent to 7831 Denise Circle, La Palma, CA 90623.
Oct. 22: English Tea and Brass Rubbing at the Weingart Senior Center, 5220 Oliva, Lakewood. The group will meet at 9:45 a.m. and return after 2 p.m. A check for $42 per person can be sent to the address above.
Nov. 13-15: Laughlin Getaway at the Edgewater Hotel in Nevada. The cost for the three-day, two-night trip that includes bus, snacks, water, a tip, Oatman, and a double-occupancy room is $280; with a single room, it’s $295.
A $50 deposit is due now, with a final payment due Oct. 24. Cancellations prior to Oct. 24 will get a full refund; after, no refunds will be issued.
Dec. 15: Holiday Party at Wood Ranch in Cerritos at noon. RSVP to the phone numbers above.