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Community Karaoke

Community  Karaoke Community  Karaoke

A lively crowd filled Clubhouse 1 for karaoke night on April 20. Everyone was tapping their feet to Karen Morris’ “Build Me Up Buttercup” and clapping along to Pat Kogok’s spirited gospel tune. Ric Dizon did a favorite Elvis number, “Release Me,” while Nina DeRosa did a strong “Where the Boys Are.” Anna Le captivated the audience with “Don’t Worry Baby.”

David Noble was anxious to sing “Tumbling Tumbleweeds,” and Donna Cooper had fun with “Honky Tonk Angels.” Bob Barnum sang the beautiful “Twilight Time,” and Richard Yokomi performed the mellow “If Tomorrow Never Comes.” CroonersTinoTupasandKenny Notorleva also did fine.

To the delight of all, an exuberant group crowded the stage to sing “California Dreaming.”

Allana Eaby served up birthday cake in honor of Tony Tupas, who performed “Danny’s Song.”

Everyone is welcome to join the karaoke fun on Wednesdays in Clubhouse 1 beginning at 5:30 p.m. Anyone who wants to practice a tune should go to Clubhouse 6 on Mondays from 1-3 p.m.

—Margie Thompson

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