SBPD meets with Leisure World’s Emergency Information Council
Leisure World’s Emergency Information Council held a joint meeting with the Seal Beach Police Department to discuss the Seal Beach Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, police involvement in Leisure World, and fraud prevention on April 15.
Chief of Police Philip L. Gonshak opened the meeting with a statement thanking the council as well as the greater Leisure World community for their support of the Seal Beach Police Department throughout the years. Gonshak addressed the common issues residents face in Leisure World, including traffic issues and scams. He said that he and his officers strive to interact with empathy and protection.
Sgt. Brian Gray, who is the emergency coordinator for the City of Seal Beach, also spoke to the Emergency Information Council. He emphasized the importance of receiving up-to-date information from the City of Seal Beach in case of emergency. One of the ways LWers can stay in the know is by signing up for Alert OC or Nixle notifications. People can sign up for Alert OC by going to and filling out the form. To sign up for Nixle notifications, people can text their Zip code to 888777.
Gray and the SBPD will continue to come to LW to provide education and resources to residents on how they can prepare for disasters; prevent fraud; and have the most up-to-date information on events, road closures and other news in Seal Beach. –Laurie Bullock, editor