Ham Shoot competitors battle heat, each other
Shuffleboard League play paused this week for the annual Ham Shoot Tournament. This event challenges players’ accuracy, finesse and skill. Over the course of three hot hours on April 8, 13 club members competed in three individual competitions. Opportunity drawings were also held to reward the individual who correctly picked the right token of a game winner. Richard “Red” Ryals won two games, with Chandra Patel winning one. Winners of the opportunity drawings were Sal LaScala, Patel and club President Carrie Kistner.
The first Joan LaCascia tournament will be held May 27. It will be a three-game tournament, with the top three highest total point scorers rewarded. Sign-ups will be available at the courts later this month. Members are encouraged to attend the general meeting on May 11 at 5 p.m. at the Clubhouse 1 Courts. Nominations and elections for new and/ or returning officers will be accepted. Shuffleboard practice times are Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Starting time for League play is 8:30 a.m. on Fridays. Players are asked to arrive on time to get a starting position. BYOB practice nights, tournaments and other social events are being planned for Shuffleboard members and their guests. For more information, contact Dave LaCascia at (801) 674-5975.
—Dave LaCascia
Winners of the Ham Shoot were Chandra Patel (front row, l) and Red Ryals, while drawing winners were Sal LaScala (back row, l) and club President Carrie Kistner