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Golf League Results

On April 8, 15 men and one woman of the Leisure World Golf League challenged a well-kept Meadowlark Golf Course in Huntington Beach. The course features large water hazards, rolling greens and narrow, tree-lined fairways. The weather was very hot and sunny, with temperatures above 90 degrees by 10 a.m.; air conditioning and cool drinks at the 19th hole provided welcome relief. With excellent course conditions, seven scores were at or below par, and there were eight birdies.

All scores are net (gross minus handicap). A Flight handicaps are 0-19, while B Flight are more than 19.

A Flight: First place: Clay Fischer, a league-best 6 under 64; second: Dave LaCascia, a hard-fought 5 under 65; third: Jim Goltra, a nice 3 under 67; fourth: tie between Bill McKusky and Chris Lankford, at even par 70; fifth: tie between Fujio Norihiro, Gary Stivers, Larry Hillhouse, Sam Choi and Tim Looney. Three birdies were carded by Fischer, andoneeachforLaCascia,Goltra, Lankford, Stivers and Hillhouse.

LaCascia was closest to the pin on both the seventh and 16th holes.

B Flight: First place: Tom Ross, a well-played 1 under 69, plus fewest putts; second: Gene Vesely, at even par 70; third: Pat Paternoster, at 2 over 72; fourth: tie between Liz Meripol, Bob Munn and Lowell Goltra.

Facing off with the David L.

Baker Executive Golf Course in Fountain Valley on April 11 were 12 golfers. The morning was overcast, with the sun not making an appearance until the last few holes. Even with the 4,000-yard coursestayingwetfromovernight watering and cool temperatures, scores were good, with several very low scores and seven rounds at or under par (62). The greens, which were in very good condition, yielded five birdies.

A Flight: First place: McKusky, a well-played 15 under 47, plus a birdie and fewest putts; second: tie between LaCascia and Norihiro, a hard-fought 5 under 57; third: tie between Choi and Stivers, a nice 3 under 59; fourth:tiebetweenJimGoltraand Fischer. LaCascia had a birdie, while Choi had two.

B Flight: First place: Paternoster, a really nice 13 under 49, plus a birdie, fewest putts and closest to the pin on both the third and 12th holes; second: Meripol, an excellent 5 under 57; third: Lowell Goltra; fourth: tie between Munn and Lankford.

The Golf League plays at four local courses, all within 15-20 minutes of Leisure World. The courses are always quite full, so advance reservations are available via a sign-up sheet at each round. There is a prize pool for each round that players are not obligated to enter. Rewards are given for low net and fewest putts in each flight, birdies, and closest to the pin on two par -3 holes. Holes-in-one and eagles (2 under par), although infrequent, are generously rewarded. Anyone who is interested should contact Gary Stivers at (714) 313-3697 or Dave LaCascia at (801) 674-5975.

—Dave LaCascia

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