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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

The LW Democratic Club is relieved that the School Choice Initiative proposal failed to get enough signatures in time to be to put on the November ballet. This proposed amendment would have required the state government to give $14,000 per student to every family who had children enrolled in religious, charter or home schools, regardless of income.

The club also celebrated the failure of another effort to recall Orange County Democrats from elected offices. Proponents had failed to collect enough valid signatures to recall Huntington Beach Mayor Pro Tem Mike Posey and City Council members Kim Carr and Dan Kalmick.

As reported in The New York Times, “Orange County has steadily transformed into one of the nation’s premier electoral battlegrounds, a place where political and demographic cross currents are all colliding. Orange County used to be reliably Republican when it was fairly homogeneous. Today, more than one in three of the county’s residents are Hispanic and more than one in five are Asian, according to census data. Forty-five percent of residents speak a language other than English at home.” Democrats across the nation—as well as the LW Democratic Club members— see this as something of a road map for the midterms.

The last club membership meeting before the June primary will be held May 18 at noon. There will be a discussion relating to the election of judges to the Orange County Superior Court with Ray Brown, who is running for election in office No. 21, as the club’s guest speaker. All LW Democrats and supporters are invited to attend. Due to concern for the well-being of a number of most vulnerable members, as well as the convenience of the guest speaker the meeting will be held via Zoom. On his campaign website, Brown says he has always believed in the adage that “with great power comes great responsibility.” He wants to ensure that people who find themselves in court, whether voluntarily or otherwise, feel they have been heard and understood; were given a “fair shake;” and any decision that was reached—even if adverse to them—was the result of the impartial application of the law to the particular facts before the court.

For more in-depth information, Democrats and supporters can visit the club’s booth outside Clubhouse 6 every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. until the primary election.

To subscribe to the club’s newsletter, email democraticclubsblw@ gmail. com or call the editor at (562) 296-8521. People are asked to include their full name, address and phone number, as well as party affiliation.

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