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Amphitheater shows and more are coming


Now that most GRF amenities have fully reopened, the Recreation Department is planning special events, including preparing for the Amphitheater season, and hiring and training staff for the Aquatic Center.

Next on the calendar is the Cinco de Mayo party on May 5 held in Clubhouse 6; time to be announced.

Tentatively, the plan is to have a joint celebration with a grand opening for the Aquatic Center, pending final approval of the facility.

All residents are welcome on May 5 for live music, tacos and virgin margaritas, even if the pool opening is moved to another date. Look for updates in the LW Weekly and on LW Live. The 4th of July Classic Car Show and BBQ will feature the Rollin’ Thunder Golf Cart Parade and more cars than ever coordinated by the Silver Fox Classic Car Club. There will also be live music for dancing, food trucks and a club craft show, also at Clubhouse 6 and the Administration parking lot. People are welcome to invite friends and relatives to celebrate Independence Day in LW. For further information, contact

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