Presidents’ Council Recap, April 7
The regular monthly meeting of the Presidents’ Council was convenedat9:04a.m.byPresident Jackie Dunagan on April 7 in Clubhouse 4 and via Zoom. The followingisarecapofthatmeeting.
•Theregularmonthlymeeting minutesofMarch3wereapproved by the Council, as printed.
• SBPD Detective Bruno Balderrama and Detective Sergeant Chris Hendrix presented on the Seal Beach police activity.
• Security Services Director Victor Rocha provided an update on the new gate access system and the schedule of topics for discussion in Mutual meetings.
• Facilities Director Mark Weaver provided an update on SB 1383—Composting, Recycling, Waste Collection and Water Conservation.
• Mutual Administration Director Jodi Hopkins presented the Mutual Administration and Stock Transfer monthly reports and provided an update on the Stock Transfer mail slot.
• GRF President Susan Hopewell provided an update on the search for the execuitve director, discussion on Master Roster distribution, and presentation of DLDinsuranceatthenextmonth’s meeting.
• The presidents of the Presidents’ Councilconcurredtoadvise the IT Department to change the distribution of Master Rosters to the second business day of the month.
• The president of the Presidents’ Council provided comments during the proceedings of the meeting.
The next meeting of the Presidents’ Council is scheduled for May 5 at 9 a.m. in Clubhouse 4 and via Zoom.