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Friends of the Library now open four days a week

Friends of the Library now open four days a week Friends of the Library now open four days a week

The Friends of the Library bookstore is now open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., plus Saturdays from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

The volunteers who operate the bookstore and boutique are committed to enriching Leisure’s World’s resources through sponsoring cultural programs and raising money to supplement the Golden Rain Foundation’s funding of the Leisure World Library.

Among the rows of books of every genre are boutique items for sale, including seasonal decorations, jewelry, jigsaw puzzles and more. Greeting cards can be had for just 25 cents apiece.

Magazines generally cost 50 cents each, and avid readers can fill a bag with 10 books for only $2.

Donations of gently used books are currently being accepted.

Friends of the Library membership is open to all residents, and volunteers are always needed for a variety of tasks. Anyone interested can call (562) 596-7735 for more information.

Volunteer coordinator Joyce Brannon (l-r) with

volunteers Pat Kruger and Jean Sayer

photos by Patty Marsters

Above: Shoppers can browse for items throughout the

store or take a seat among the books. Below: Dona tions are sorted and shelved by volunteers, with some books landing outside, ready to be bagged and bought.

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