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Community Church

In the Christian calendar, Easter is an incredibly important season that lasts 50 days including seven Sundays.

This Sunday, April 17, is the first Sunday ofEaster, and Community Church will celebrate with fresh flowers placed in the Easter cross. With the gift of flowers, the cross is transformed, reminding people that they are transformed as each person embraces the love of God.

Those who feel that they have been missing joy in their life or would like a little extra joy this week are invited to join Community Church in worship this Sunday at 9:50 a.m. in person or on Zoom or Facebook.

Community Church has recently been called “the friendly church.” Those who have not visited Community Church before are invited to take a chance, come for a cup of coffee before worship and get a feel for just how friendly and welcoming the congregation is and stay for a powerful and uplifting message that challenges people to grow and mature as followers of Jesus. Those who are attending the Easter Sunday service on April 17 are asked to come with freshly cut flowers. The cross on the patio will be beautifully arranged in the flowers from the community. Easter lilies, purchased by Community Church and the Korean Community Church congregations, will beautify the altar. An Easterthemed fellowship will follow the Easter Service.

Community Church is on Facebook for livestreamed worship @communitychurchleisureworld.

Those who don’t have Facebook and want to join via Zoom can call the church office or email leisurewccsue@yahoo. com to receive the link. Community Church will continue to offer online worship for those who either cannot attend in person or do not want to risk exposure.

Those who are in need without another way to address that need may call the church office to leave a message at (562) 431-2503.

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