Smile, swing and sway with Vinyl Rock in CH 1
Vinyl Rock takes the Clubhouse 1 stage on Saturday, April 9,at7p.m.Thenine-pieceOrange County-based band passionately performs classic rock, Motown and pop tunes from the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s. Everyone will be smiling, swinging and swaying, as they sing along to songs they grew up listening to. Sponsored by Cabaret Entertainers, Vinyl Rock’s performance is free to GRF members and their guests, who must be at least 18 years old; tips are acceptable and appreciated. Leisure suits,FuManchu’staches,mullets and big hair are welcome, but not required.
Doors open at 6 p.m. Only the band members may reserve tables. Attendees must be out of the clubhouse no later than 10 p.m. to allow adequate time for the custodian to tear down the setup and arrange the room for the following day.
The Recreation Department asks residents and their guests attending the GRF dances in Clubhouse 1 to not park on the east side of the building. Parking for the clubhouse is across Golden Rain Road at the golf course or on Burning Tree Lane. No announcements are permitted from the stage, except by theband.Clubhouselightingand audio-visual equipment can only be adjusted by the custodian, according to the instructions they have been given.
The GRF asks everyone to sign in as a resident or guest, so that it can judge the popularity of bands.
—Kathy Thayer Recreation Manager