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Pile driving ongoing at North Gate Road


Crews began installing piles along North Gate Road near Orange County Fire Station No. 48 on March 30. Some nearby residents have heard the pounding and reported it on social media. Pile driving is necessary to construct the foundation for the sound wall along southbound I-405, next to North Gate Road, according to the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA).

Work hours are from 7 a.m.-4 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays as needed. This portion of the job should be concluded by next week. Crews will then move northwest along North Gate Road to begin pile driving there. That work is set to start in May.

The I-405 Improvement Project will add one regular lane in each direction of I-405 between Euclid Street and I-605, plus a second lane in each direction of the freeway from SR-73 to I-605 that will combine with the existing carpool lanes to form the 405 Express Lanes. For more information about the project, visit www.octa. net/405Improvement.

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