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Club celebrates two birthdays

Club celebrates two birthdays Club celebrates two birthdays


Hui O Hula dancers celebrated the birthdays of longtime hula dancer Pat “PatPat” Fellers on April 1 and newcomer Roland “RoRo” Phillips on April 2.

Fellers, of Mutual 2, participated in the group’s first hula performance at LW Theater Club’s Annual Country Western Festival in February 2004. On that day, Hui O Hula danced “Ulupalakua,” about the Hawaiian cowboys in the uplands of Maui. Though she has entertained with the club many, many times, she has slowed down more recently and seldom makes it to class.

Among the group’s youngest dancers is Mutual 12 resident Phillips, who is preparing to entertain at Alamitos West Healthcare Center in May.

Everyone at LW is welcome to join in on the fun at hula classes held twice a week. Basic steps are taught on Tuesdays upstairs in Clubhouse 6, starting at 1 p.m. Thursday sessions are at Veterans Plaza at 1 p.m. For more information on classes or performances, call (562) 431-2242.

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