Recap of GRF Board Activity, March 22
Approved Consent Agenda:
MOVED and approved the consent agenda, including minutes of the Physical Property Committee Meeting of Feb. 2, minutes of the GRF Administration Committee Meeting of Feb. 3, minutes of the Communication/IT Committee Meeting of Feb. 10, GRF Board of Directors Minutes Feb. 22, GRF Board reports of Feb. 22 and March 22, acceptance of the Interim Financial Statements for audit from February.
Emergency Addition to Agenda: MOVED to amend March 22 agenda by adding “To approve the request for Physical Property to install left hand turn signals at Golden Rain Road and Saint Andrews Road to be placed on the Physical Property agenda for costs and contract” to New Business, item v.
General Change of Date—5% Increase Economic Adjustment: MOVED to ratify the vote by the Board of Directors on March 7 to approve the 5% hourly economic adjustment increase for all positions, except for the Directors, effective March 7.
Face Mask Requirement at Trust Property and Meetings: FAILED TO MOVE to continue the requirement for a face mask to be properly worn in all Trust property business buildings.
FAILED TO MOVE to continue the requirement for a face mask to be properly worn at all meetings, where GRF staff is in physical attendance.
MOVED to strongly recommend for a face mask to be properly worn at all meetings, where GRF staff is in physical attendance.
MOVED to strongly recommend for a face mask to be properly worn in Trust Property business buildings.
Operating Funding Request— Spam Filter Licensing: MOVED to ratify the proposed software licenses for a total of $4,418 from Operating Funding.
Reserve Funding Request— Emergency Service—Sewer Line Repair on El Dorado Road: MOVED to approve the emergency service in the amount not to exceed $21,800, Reserve Funding, for the repair of failed sewer line on El Dorado Road near Golden Rain Road.
Emergency Item—Request for Physical Properties to install left hand turn signals at Golden Rain Road and St. Andrews Road: MOVED to approve the request for Physical Properties to install left hand turn signals at Golden Rain Road and St. Andrews Road to be placed on the Physical Properties agenda for costs and contract.
Finance Committee Acceptance of the Final Draft 2021 Audited Financial Statements: MOVED to accept the final audited draft of 2021 Golden Rain Foundation Financial Statements as of Dec. 31, 2021, for the year then ended, and the proposed Independent Auditors’ Report as submitted by CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP, hereby accepting the above-mentioned Financial Statements and reports therein (Exhibit A), reflecting excess income of $1,118,521, and to authorize the President to sign the management representation letter.
TENTATIVEVOTE:Amend 40-5061-2, Fees: MOVED to amend 40-5061-2, Fees, updating document language throughout, as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on May 24.
GRF Administration Committee Amend50-3182-1,Member/ Owner (M/O) Renter/Lessee (R/L)—Rules: FAILED TO MOVE to amend 50-3182-1, Member/Owner (M/O) Renter/ Lessee (R/L)—Rules, moving it from Mutual Administration to GRF Administration Committee, not requiring a fee for Service animals, and updating document language throughout as presented.
TENTATIVEVOTE:Amend 30-5093-1,AuthorizedResident Rules of Conduct: MOVED to amend 30-5093-1, Authorized Resident Rules of Conduct, updating rules of conduct, willful damage, destruction or defacing of Trust Property, or unauthorized/ unlawful entry, use or trespass upon the Trust Property, as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on May 24.
Amend30-5024-1,Committee Structure: MOVED to amend 30-5024-1, Committee Structure, updating document language as presented.
Physical Property Committee Reserve/Capital Funding Request—Woodshop Improvement in Clubhouse 1: MOVED to approve the remodeling of the Woodshop in Clubhouse 1 in the amount of $171,100, Reserve Funding, and the amount of $84,400 with 20 percent contingency of $51,100, Capital Funding, for a total cost not to exceed $306,600, and authorize the President to sign the needed contracts.
Capital Funding Request— Electrical Engineer—Clubhouse 1: MOVED to approve the amount not to exceed $10,000, Capital Funding, for the hiring of an Electrical Engineer to review all electrical in Clubhouse 1 to confirm the proposed improvements at the Woodshop could be completed with the existing electrical system, and authorize the President to sign the contract.
Capital Funding Request— Clubhouse 6 Door Openers: MOVED to award a contract to Axxess Door for the installation of an easy access single automatic door operators for the four restrooms in Clubhouse 6 in the amount not to exceed $11,822, Capital Funding, and authorize the President sign the contract.
Amend Policy 30-5041-5,
Real Trust Property Acreage:
MOVED to amend 30-5041-5, RealTrustPropertyAcreage,moving it from GRF Administration to Physical Property, updating the Trust Property chart and document language as presented.
Recreation Committee ReserveFunding–AquaticCenter Furniture: REMOVED from the agenda on March 16.
Approval—Golf Ball Removal— TurtleLake atGRFGolf Course: After a brief discussion, the Board sent this back to the Committeeforfurtherreviewand concurred to bring it back to the next scheduled Board meeting.
Reserve Funding Request— Clubhouse 3 Ice Machine Replacement: MOVED to approve the purchase of a new ice machine from Norm’s Refrigeration and fromIceEquipmentintheamount of $3,708.27 with a $446.22 contingency for the total cost not to exceed $4,154.49, Reserve Funding, and authorize the President to sign the contract.
Approval—Amphitheater Sound and Lighting Contract:
MOVED to award a contract to TM AV Consulting & Integration, Inc., to provide the Amphitheater withproductionservices,foracost nottoexceed$113,202,Operating Funding, for a three-year period, andauthorizethePresidenttosign the contract.
TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 70-2504-2, The Library Fees: MOVED to amend 70-2504-2, The Library Fees, updating to eliminate late fines, the lost or damaged material rules and document language as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on May 24.
Amend 70-1468-1, Swimming Pool Rules: MOVED to amend 70-1468-1, Swimming Pool Rules, updating the rules throughout the document and updating the document language as presented.
FINAL VOTE: Adopt 70-5563-1, Needle Arts Studio-Rules: MOVED to adopt 70-5563-1 Needle Arts Studio-Rules, as presented.
Amend Policy 70-1429.011, Golf Course Regulations:
MOVEDtoamendto70-1429.011, Golf Course Regulations, updating and clarifying document language as presented.
Security, Bus & Traffic Committee Approval—Reinstatement of Parking Tickets: After a brief discussion, the Board sent this back to the Committee for further reviewandbringitbacktothenext scheduled Board meeting.
Reserve Funding Request— GRF Vehicles—Minibuses Purchase: MOVED to approve the purchase of two shuttles with a wheelchair lift and one shuttle without wheelchair lift from AZ Bus Sales Company in the amount of $287,040 with $20,060 contingency for a total cost not to exceed $307,100 and authorize the President to sign the needed contracts.
Capital Funding Request— LED Lighted Stop Signs:
MOVED to approve the purchase of fourteen solar LED lighted stop signs for the recommended location in the amount of $20,240.50 with $2,024 contingency for a totalcostnottoexceed$22,264.50, CapitalFunding,andauthorizethe President approve the order.
80-1937-1, Parking Rules:
MOVED to amend 80-1937-1, Parking Rules, clarifying no parking between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. in Clubhouse1parkingareawiththe exception to employee vehicles during their work shift and authorized GRF contractor vehicles as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on May 24.