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Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

The Democratic Club meeting on April 20 will be held via Zoom. Login information is available in the club’s newsletter or by calling (562) 296-8521. The featured speaker will be Judie Mancuso, who is running for election in the newly configured 72nd Assembly District. Mancuso’s candidacy has been endorsed by the California DemocraticParty. Moreinformation about her can be found at

An effort to remove Council Members Carlos Manzo and Kimberly Ho from leadership in Westminster by recall failed. Proponents fell short by more than 200 petition signatures in both attempts. Many people who backed the failed 2021 effort to recall three members of the Los Alamitos school board are now involved in a new campaign. This time, the recall effort is directed against Area 4 Trustee Scott Fayette.

In its request to the Registrar of Voters for certification to circulate petitions, the campaign argues for the removal of Fayette because he “does not represent our values.” The issues listed in the proposal to recall include “social justice standards and critical race theory, gender pronouns, as well as vaccine and mask mandates.”

The Democratic Club asks LW voters who live in Fayette’s Area 4 not to sign this petition if it is certified for distribution.

The club also urges voters not to sign petitions currently being circulated that would place a school voucher proposition on the ballot. If adopted by the voters in the November General Election, this proposition—as currently written—would require the state of California to provide yearly $14,000 voucher payments for each student attending religious or private schools, regardless of family income. Supporters of such a proposition have until April 11 to obtain the required 997,137 signatures to get it on the ballot.

Club members are busy working on voter outreach relating to the Primary election of Democratic candidates. Anyone who wants to help should call Kathy Moran at (562) 596-0450.

••• Beginning April 5, The LW Democratic Club’s Hospitality and Information Booth located outside Clubhouse 6 will be open every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. until after the Primary Election in June.

LW Democrats and supporters can subscribe to the club’s free electronic newsletter for more in-depth political information by calling editor Mary Larson at (562) 296-8521 or emailing People are asked include their full name, address, phone number and party affiliation.

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