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Discounted bus passes trump high gas prices


As gas prices rise to record levels in Orange County and the region, the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is offering discounts on the already reasonable price to ride public transportation.

A day pass on OC Bus costs just $5, allowing bus riders to travel on any regular bus route throughout the county. That’s less than the average cost of just one gallon of gas right now.

OCTA also recently introduced two additional ways to save with Value Pass options:

• Five single day passes for $15 (a $10 savings compared to the regular price).

• A 30-day pass for $40 (a

$29 savings). Buses in the OC Bus system run on clean-burning compressed natural gas. OCTA is also testing two zero-emission electric technologies on its buses.

OCTA continues to prioritize the safety of its passengers and coach operators even as the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to wane. All passengers and coach operators are required to wear masks, as required by federal mandate, and every bus offers hand-sanitizer dispensers and masks for riders who need them.

Additional bus service has gradually been added back based on demand.

OCTA also recently became the first transit agency in the region to permanently offer a Youth Ride Free pass, which allows youth ages 6-18 the chance to ride anywhere OC Bus travels at no cost. It’s estimated that 1.7 million trips will be taken annually using that pass.

For additional information on OC Bus and specific routes, visit

To purchase discounted passes, visit

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