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Celebrating LW Centenarians-Jerry Uva is 103 Today

Celebrating LW Centenarians-Jerry Uva is 103 Today Celebrating LW Centenarians-Jerry Uva is 103 Today

This is one story in an occasional series profiling some of LW’s most long-lived residents, those who have reached the milestone age of 100 years or more. The series is running in connection with the Golden Age Foundation centenarian event on April 20, which will celebrate these special residents. In most cases, a family member or friend has written the stories.

by Terri Uva

LW contributor

Jerry Uva is looking forward to celebrating his 103rd birthday on March 24.

He was born in 1919 and raised in Newark, New Jersey. His father Emelio emigrated from Italy and met Rose, who was a widow with six children.

They married and had four children together, for a total of 10.

Jerry met Bea, and they married shortly after he went into the Army in 1942.

He was a platoon sergeant (T SGT) in the 9th Division under Gen. George Patton during WW II.

He fought on D-Day, in the Battle of the Bulge and all over Europe and Africa.

He was wounded and received three Purple Hearts and a Silver Star with Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of five Bronze Stars.

When WWII was over, he was discharged from the Army and moved his family from New Jersey to Southern California.

Jerry found employment in the booming aerospace industry.

He worked in planning and production control and retired from Rockwell/Boeing after a 34-year career.

He and his wife had five children, three girls and two boys.

They took a few trips to Hawaii, Mexico and different parts of the United States. They also enjoyed going to Las Vegas a few times a year. (Their best friends lived there.)

He and his wife were married 67 years when she passed away in 2008.

His children continued to take him to Las Vegas till he was 100 years old!

He has lived with his youngest daughter for the last 11 years, the last seven-and-a-half of them in Mutual 2.

He still enjoys a good action movie, giving to different charities and visiting with his family.

Happy 103rd to Jerry Uva.

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