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diaper drive for the Life ….

diaper drive for the Life Center of Santa Ana. From now until Good Friday, Holy Family will accept donations of diapers and various baby care products at the parish office or leave it the Our Lady of Guadalupe donation table.


The mini Lenten retreat will be on Friday, March 18, after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. To receive a copy of the weekly parish bulletin, sign up at https://ebulletin.jspaluch. com or https://www.jspaluch. com/Subscribe. Visit the website for more information at www.

The church is operating at its regular Mass schedule. Saturday (Vigil Mass) is at 5 p.m., and Sunday Masses are at 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and noon. Weekday Masses are Monday-Saturday at 8:30 a.m., and confessions are on Saturdays from 4-4:45 p.m.

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