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Hot Shots Defeat Shufflers

Shuffleboard League resumed play at the Clubhouse 1 courts on Feb. 18, with the Hot Shots defeating the Shufflers 13-5. After eight games, the Shufflers are in first place, with Hot Shots in second and Sliders in third.

The Hot Shots’ all-game winners were Dan Hable, Sung Yi and Chandra Patel, and the Shufflers’ all-game winner was Anita Giroud. Practice times are Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Starting time for league play is 8:30 a.m. on Fridays; everyone is asked to arrive on time to get a starting position. To use the Shuffleboard Courts, LWers must be trained in court setup, maintenance and play and eventually become a participating club member.

The Shuffleboard Club’s St. Patrick’s Day potluck will be on March 12 at 5 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 3. Sign-ups are available at the courts. The group will be playing left center right.

BYOB practice nights, tournaments and other social events are being planned for throughout the year.

••• LW Shuffleboard Trivia

• At various times, there were three leagues playing on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

• There were active outdoor courts at Clubhouses 1, 2 and 3.

• Several Pro-Ams (events involving both professionals and amateurs) were held in the 1990s.

• In years past, referees and scorekeepers were separate from the players.

• Tournament Sponsors over the years included Home Savings Bank, Fidelity Federal Bank and Primrose Restaurant.

For more information about the Shuffleboard Club, contact Dave LaCascia at (801) 674-5975.

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