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Community Karaoke

Community   Karaoke Community   Karaoke

A nice group of regulars formed an appreciative audience for the 30 happy karaoke singers who livened up Clubhouse 1 on Feb. 23 with show tunes, ballads and pop hits.

Richard Yokomi set the tone for the evening with “Old Time Rock and Roll,” while Rick Riley lent his husky voice to country and western numbers, including Garth Brooks’ “Friends in Low Places.” The soft rock tune “If” was nicely done by Carmen Edwards, and Pat Kogok chose to share a favorite tune, “Johnny Angel.”

Some folks mixed things up by singing many duets with their friends. Ellen Brannigan and Vito Villamor had fun with “Vaya Con Dios,” and Essie Hicks and Bob Barnum did well with “Need You Now.” Tosca Lies and Vinny Correnti jived to “Jackson,” Susan Kelleghan and Kenny Nostraleva blended well with “You Make Me Feel So Young.”

Charlie and Carol Guggino encouraged the audience to join then on “Sweet Caroline.”

All LWers are welcome to join the fun on Wednesdays beginning at 5:30 p.m.

On March 16, in honor of St Patrick’s Day, everyone is encouraged to perform Irish songs and dress festively for the club’s “Wearin’ of the Green” party.

Anyone wanting to try new songs can do so at practice sessions held on Mondays from 1-3 p.m.

—Margie Thompson

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