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Learn how to control cholesterol with Barbara Llamas

Learn how to control cholesterol with Barbara Llamas Learn how to control cholesterol with Barbara Llamas


Barbara Llamas will give a presentation to the Sunshine Club on how people can control their cholesterol on Friday, Feb. 25, at 10 a.m.

All residents are welcome to join the Zoom meeting by going to https://us02web.zoom. us/j/87427954280?pwd=dExQ R2dDblZSbUNkQlVoclhrajFh UT09. The meeting ID is 874 2795 4280, and the passcode is 080651.

Those who want to receive the Zoom link by email should text their name, Mutual number and email address to (562) 301-5339 no later than today, Feb. 24, at 5 p.m. (text only; no phone calls).

High cholesterol is something that many older adults have. But just because a person has it doesn’t mean they can’t learn to control it. Llamas will teach club members how to manage high cholesterol.

By the end of Llamas’ presentation, club members will be able to define what cholesterol is, name at least one reason why too much cholesterol is bad and be able to describe strategies to control high cholesterol.

Llamas is a health educator for Independence at Home, a SCAN Community Service. She received her master’s degree in public administration from Cal State Long Beach and her bachelor’s in social welfare from Cal State Los Angeles, with a minor in gerontology.

Llamas has over 30 years’ experience working with older adults as a geriatric care manager, Alzheimer’s disease demonstration project coordinator and health educator. She has been a caregiver support group leader and has coordinated and taught caregiver training workshops.

Llamas is a certified instructor for two evidence-based training classes: Chronic Disease Self-Management Program and Empowered Relief. She is also a certified laughter yoga instructor.

In her spare time, Llamas and her family are very involved in her church’s Boy Scout troop, and she is the proud mother of an Eagle Scout.

The Sunshine Club will celebrate its 10th anniversary with a luncheon on March 10 in Clubhouse 2 at 11 a.m. For more information, contact Derby at (562) 301-5339.

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