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Cribbage Club

Cribbage Club Cribbage Club

Patti Smith, former Cribbage Club president, won her 11th star on Feb. 15 with a perfect score of 847.

Other winners for the day were Candy Meyers and Adair Paul, who tied for second with a score of 838; Gene Smith, who placed third with 837; and Liz Meripol, who came in fourth with 836.

Carrie Kistner and Candy Meyer served cake and ice cream to the 41 members present.

The Cribbage Club meets every Tuesday in Clubhouse 1. Refreshments are served at noon, and play begins at 12:30 p.m. Members are asked to be seated by 12:15 p.m. Dues for 2022 are $5. New members are welcome.

To receive extra assistance in learning or brushing up on the game, contact Terry Thrift at (714) 394-5885.

—Marilyn Chelsvig

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