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Assembly of God

Assembly of God Assembly of God

Service/Gathering Times:

Assembly of God meets Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. Wednesday morning Bible study is at 10 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The Hymn Sing is canceled until further notice.

Sermon for this week: A church with a heart for missions and supporting missionary work is in line with the heart of God. This week’s sermon title is “A Missionary Church, Part 2,” based on Mark 16:15.

Jesus reiterates the command to go into all the world and preach the “good news” to everyone. TheGospelmessage is not just for a certain socioeconomic class, ethnic group or race of people. The Gospel, when preached in its pure form, without being colored by bias or opinion, is good for all people everywhere from Indigenous tribes to millionaires. The good news is that Jesus was sent as a savior for the world, to reconcile all people to God.

Pastor Chuck Franco will wrap up his missions series this Sunday with a challenge for all to be involved in missions by going, praying and/or giving.

Bible Study: Assembly of God’s current Bible Study is titled “Living Victoriously in a Difficult World.” 1 Peter continues to give practical principles to live by in times when Christian teaching and Biblical truth is questioned or rejected outright. The parallels of the current time to the age when Peter was writing to Christians are many. Students have drawn strength, insight and courage from hearing the video teaching and sharing in the discussion led by Pastor Chuck. Join the Bible study class for Session 6 this Wednesday, March 2.

Contact us: More information about Leisure World Assembly of God can be found on the website at lwassemblyofgod. com. Those who want to receive prayer, a personal contact from a pastor, or a DVD of the Sunday morning sermon can contact Pastors Chuck and Sheryl Franco by calling (562) 357-4360 or emailing Carolyn van Aalst is also available to receive prayer requests at (562) 343-8424.

Pastor Chuck’s sermons can be accessed on Facebook (Chuck Franco) and the Faithlife app under the group “Leisure World Assembly of God.”

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