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LW Baptist Church

Jesus’ post-resurrection instructions to the apostles in Acts 1 are the focus for LW Baptist’s message on Sunday, Feb. 20, at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 4.

On Mount Olive, Jesus reviewed his followers’ benefits. After his death, he had presented himself alive to them for 40 days and outlined his coming kingdom. “Wait in Jerusalem,” he said. “For the Father’s promised Holy Spirit is [coming soon]” Jesus’ kingdom would take shape through his followers’ witness.

While they listened, Jesus was lifted up until a cloud received him. Two men in white said, “Men of Galilee, why stand looking into the sky? This Jesus taken up from you into heaven will return just as you watched him go.” So the apostles returned to the upper room, where Peter addressed 120 assembled believers in Jesus. Someone qualified, he said, must replace Judas and become witness of Jesus’ resurrection. They prayed and drew lots, and Matthias was chosen and added to the 11 apostles.

On Monday, Feb. 21, The men’s fellowship begins study of the Judges era and Ruth, when Israel took her eyes off the Lord and suffered for it at 10 a.m. On Wednesdays at 3 p.m., the Energizers will study the majesty of God’s name in Psalm 8.

For more information, call (562) 430-8598.

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