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Cold season isn’t over yet

by CJ Blomquist


Feeling sniffly? Have a mild headache? It’s not terrible, but it doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon, and there’s that tired feeling, too.

It might be a case of the common cold. But with COVID variants still going around and flu season in full force, it’s important to keep an eye on symptoms. Flu season can run through April, so here are a few things to beat a cold—and keep others from catching it.

Hand hygiene. If people learned one thing during this pandemic, it’s how to properly wash their hands. It’s long been the go-to technique for killing germs. Just 20 seconds of soap and water can go a long way, and for those who are out and about, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer works. But it must be at least 60 percent alcohol to be strong enough to kill germs.

Diet. A balanced diet is also key. So stock up on fruits and vegetables, as they are full of vitamins and minerals that help the immune system stay strong. Even just a few added to regular meals helps.

Rest. Not feeling well? Stay home. A few days of rest can help the body recover, and it keeps a person from spreading germs to others. There’s still time for those who haven’t gotten their COVID shots or booster or their flu vaccine. These are some of the best defenses available, and they’re easily available through most major drug stores. Anyone feeling really miserable should give their doctor’s office a call. They can help patients make the best decision for their health.

••• Among the upcoming events at the Health Care Center:

Boost your immunity.

There are natural approaches to strengthen the immune system. Learn some new tips on Feb. 22 at 10 a.m.

Music and movement. Get those steps in and have some fun with new dance moves on Feb. 23 at 10 a.m.

To RSVP for either or both events, contact Grecia Nunez at

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