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Republican Club

by Brian Harmon

LW contributor

Republican Club President David Harlow stressed at a recent strategy meeting that education might be the best issue to emphasize for the upcoming election. The group consisted of 19-20 of the top volunteers in the club, including its officers.

Harlow said, “The amazing Republican victories in Virginia seem to show that voters are most concerned about issues that affect their family. One such issue is the education that their children and grandchildren receive.”

Another member present said that the two ways that this issue most affects LW are the school choice petition and the upcoming Los Alamitos school board election.

The School Choice Initiative would allow parents to send their children to the school of their choice. This would be accomplished by providing $14,000 in assistance for each child the parents send to a secular private school, a religious school, certain charter schools or homeschool.

The debate about the school board election centers on the content of the new high school ethnic studies class.

The book being used as a text is “A Different Mirror for Young People: A History of Multicultural America,” by Ronald Takaki. Critics say the book presents a biased view of United States history

••• The GOP Club booth is up every Monday outside Clubhouse 6. The club will celebrate Valentine’s Day on Monday, Feb. 14, at the booth. Valentine good-

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