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Humanist Association

by Dave Silva

LW contributor

Until further notice the Leisure World Humanist Association will not hold public meetings, due to the rapid spread of the omicron virus. The speaker from Planned Parenthood, originally scheduled for the Feb. 6 meeting, could have only been facilitated over Zoom. The Humanist Association believes the abortion issue, as it concerns the rights of women in this country, would not be covered adequately by a Zoom meeting.

The American Humanist Association believes a woman’s right to choose should not be infringed upon by others. It also believes in freedom of religion, as well as freedom from religion as stated in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Humanists don’t believe in the Establishment Clause simply because it is in the Constitution, but because it allows individual freedom, unfettered by the religious opinions of others.

Planned Parenthood will provide the Humanist Association with a speaker when it is safe to meet in person.

At the December meeting, artist and author Robert Richert gave a great Powerpoint presentation titled “Can People Predict the Future?”

The short answer is no. Astrology, palm reading and crystal balls are all ineffective and based on pseudo-science. Nostradamos and Jean Dixon only occasionally had a hit out of numerous misses. Most predictions of the future came from reasoned guesses, based on scientific trends and evidence.

People can create a better future by working together to improve the human condition, but the future is far too complicated to accurately predict.

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