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Dancers release tribute videos

Dancers release tribute videos Dancers release tribute videos

With the help of video producer Michael Oh and video production coordinator Anna Derby, the Suede Sole Dancers have released two videos in tribute to the late Margaret Humes, who danced with the group.

About six years ago, Bert Carroll urged Tommy Williams to invite Suede Sole Dancers to his bands’ shows. Though the graceful dancers appeared cool as cucumbers on the outside, they were overwhelmed with trepidation at the thought of performing in front of hundreds of people.

Since that time, after countless hours of practicing, the Suede Sole Dancers have performed at 26 events. There’s been tears and sweat, laughter and joy, gorgeous costumes, serious discussions, and sad goodbyes. (Carroll passed away in 2017; Williams and Humes in 2021.)

The women give each performance their all, saying they hope audiences leave feeling a sense of wonder.

The videos have now been posted to YouTube, at youtu. be/zts2gbvfdTA and UJAm8VMBknw.

For more information about the Suede Sole Dancers, contact Derby at (562) 301-5339.

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