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Cribbage Club

On Jan. 11, 40 members of the Cribbage Club began play at 12:30 p.m. Margaret Smith was high scorer for seven games with a score of 840. Bobbie Straley took second place with 838, Patti Smith placed third with 826, and Myrna Baker and Dale Quinn tied for fourth with 823. Jim Kaspar and Chunghe Scharschmidt had no wins for the day.

Cribbage Club meets every Tuesday in Clubhouse 1. To safeguard all players, desserts will not be served until the spread of COVID-19 diminishes.

Seven games are usually concluded by 4 p.m., with players rotating to the next table at the end of each game.

A fee of $1 per person is collected at the table each week, and the $5 dues for 2022 can be paid before play begins. New members are always welcome.

—Marilyn Chelsvig

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