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Community Karaoke

Community   Karaoke Community   Karaoke

There was a smaller crowd because of COVID on Jan. 12, but those who were there still enjoyed performances from 16 karaoke singers. Tony Tupas did a fine “Blue Moon,” which was a hit in 1949 and remains popular today. And the 1969 hit “Bad Moon Rising” was done well by Richard Yokomi. Ellen Brannigan paid tribute to former karaoke friend Joseph Chavez with a nice gospel tune, while Don Sunday’s voice was clear and resonant on “Mona Lisa.” The audience tapped their feet to country tunes done by Eric Voge, Rick Riley, Barbie May, Julie Nulad, Pat Paternostra and Bev Adams. Everyone is invited to brush up on hits by Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton and others for the club’s traditional Country Western Night. On Jan. 26, LWers should be ready to don their cowboy hats and kick up their heels. Masks are required except while singing, and the microphones are repeatedly sanitized at the Wednesday-night karaoke events starting at 5:30 in Clubhouse 1. Practice sessions utilizing the same precautions are available in Clubhouse 6 on Mondays from 1-3 p.m.

—Margie Thompson

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