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Thelma Ahmid 1926-2021 ….

Thelma Ahmid  1926-2021 
	 …. Thelma Ahmid  1926-2021 

Thelma Ahmid 1926-2021

Thelma Ahmid was born on Dec. 21, 1926, and died Dec. 8, 2021. She was born in Boone County, Missouri, and was one of five children.

Thelma married Joe Ahmid in 1947 in Clay County, Arkansas, and honeymooned in the Ozarks. Several years after the birth of her daughter, Marcia, the family moved to Southern California. After 30 years of marriage, she and Joe divorced. Thelma lived and worked in Southern California until moving to the Oregon coast in 1987 with her new husband, Carl Forsbeck, and grandson Michael. Never afraid to do the hard work, she would buy a home and fix it up by painting and repairing it, then moving and starting over again. Thelma had a long career in the banking industry working in many capacities.

In the 1990s, she returned to California and retired from banking. She eventually moved to Leisure World and lived there for over 20 years. Accustomed to not staying in one place too long, she lived in three different units there. She participated in many activities including sewing and crafting, plus many dance groups. She attended church all her life. She joined First Christian Church of Leisure World and served as a member of the church board.

Thelma leaves a legacy of her many gifts and talents including quilts, needlepoint, knitting, crocheting and oil paintings that all have the look of a professional. She was always very modest about her abilities.

Thelma is survived by her daughter, Marcia Brena; grandchildren, Michael and Lisa; great-granddaughters, Megan and Ivy; and devoted nephew David, who upon hearing of her passing happily commented, “Well, she and my mom are shopping together again.”

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