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LWer says goodbye to Mini Farm

LWer says goodbye to Mini Farm LWer says goodbye to Mini Farm

Anna Derby of Mutual 5 recently harvested the last of her crops from her beloved Mini Farm before the Recreation Department closed access to the 1.8 Acres until further notice.

During the past five years, she has grown lettuce, zucchini, red peppers, cucumber, kale, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, Korean yeul mu, leafy radish, spinach, leaf mustard, corn, green onions, potatoes, sesame seed leaf, garlic and minari, among others.

“It’s beyond words the feeling of satisfaction,” she said. “No other activity could compare to what farmers get from playing in dirt—nothing but pleasure.”

Derby reflected on her experiences with appreciation, recalling how she learned which fruits and vegetables grew well in Southern California’s climate and which ones didn’t, despite what she read in books. “Often, you would get to meet your Mini Farm neighbors and learn more about what would be the better way to grow various items, expanding your knowledge,” she said.

Though she will miss growing fresh vegetables in the Mini Farms, she said she hopes to get back to digging in the dirt soon.

Anna Derby shows off her last harvest of green onions, yeul mu, baby lettuce and tiny cucumbers.

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