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Assembly of God

Service/Gathering Times: Assembly of God meets Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. Wednesday morning Bible study is at 10 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The Hymn Sing is held on the third Sunday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Clubhouse 3 Lobby.

Sermon for this week: Pastor Chuck Franco will begin a new “How To” series of sermons for believers to put in their tool belt to help them through the new year. On Jan. 9, Pastor Chuck will present “How to be an Encourager.” Acts 9:26-27 reveals Barnabas’ nature as an encourager, calming fears and building up his peers, traits all Christians should possess and exercise.

Bible Study: A new Bible study session starts on Wednesday, Jan. 12. 1 Peter and 2 Peter illustrate how to live a victorious Christian life, even when challenged by society, family and other outside pressures. This series is particularly relevant in today’s culture. Explore with other students fresh insight from God’s Word.

Contact: More information about Leisure World Assembly of God can be found at Those who want to receive prayer, a personal contact from a pastor, or have not received a DVD of the Sunday morning sermon can contact Pastors Chuck and Sheryl Franco by calling (562) 357-4360 or emailing Carolyn van Aalst is also available to receive prayer requests at (562) 343-8424. Pastor Chuck’s sermons can be accessed on Facebook (Chuck Franco) and the Faithlife app under the group “Leisure World Assembly of God,” where people can also give online.

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