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Women’s Golf installs officers

Women’s Golf installs officers Women’s Golf installs officers

The Women’s Golf Club’s annual holiday luncheon and installation of officers was held Dec. 17. The following officers will serve a second term next year: President Liz Meripol, Vice President Sandra deDuBovay, Secretary Neva Senske and Treasurer Margie Thompson.

Meripol expressed her gratitude for all the hard work and dedication given by the officers and committee members throughout the year, and each was presented with a special gift. She also thanked Dave LaCascia for serving as the temporary handicap chairman; Patty Litrell takes over that position next year.

The golfers were treated to a delicious Korean barbecue lunch prepared by Sally Park and her committee.

Club member Joyce Basch entertained the group with a clever magic trick. Basch has performed at the Magic Castle and various locations around the world.

On Dec. 21, 43 women golfers competed on a cold wintry day for low gross, low net and fewest putts. The club congratulates Joann Lim, who averaged one putt on each hole for a total of nine putts for the nine-hole tournament round.

The winners were:

Flight A: Low gross: Devora Kim, 26; low net: Grace Choi, 24; fewest putts: tie between Grace Choi and Theresa Lim, 12.

Flight B: Low gross: tie between Joann Lim and Pam Krug, 27; low net: tie between Alison Kim and Sun Lee, 21; fewest putts: Joann Lim. 9.

Flight C: Low gross: Elizabeth Butterfield, 30; low net: tie between Mary Devlin and Anne Walshe, 24; fewest putts: Cecelia Han, 12.

Flight D: Low gross: tie between Kum Delias and Betty Regalado, 34; low net: Joyce Basch, 22; fewest putts: Joyce Basch, 13.

—Dale Quinn

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