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LW Baptist

On Sunday, Jan. 2, the 10 a.m. worship will focus on personal faith. Unbelieving religious leaders of Jesus’ day sought to undermine his authority, but Jesus gained the advantage by publicly showing their unbelief of God’s Word. So they sent spies pretending to pose honest questions about paying taxes that might cause him trouble with the governing authorities. Jesus turned the tables on their trickery, exposing their civil disobedience to government (Luke 20).

Next, to discredit him, they raised a question of Jewish religious controversy: the resurrection. Jesus points them to Moses’ answer in the Law, which they professed to believe. In their embarrassed silence, Jesus asked them what the Psalms mean by calling the Messiah (Christ) David’s son, since David calls him “Lord.” The self-proclaimed religious teachers were speechless. Jesus followed up by warning the listening crowd to not be taken in by hypocritical leaders.

The point he makes is that all of these issues—paying taxes, faith in the bodily resurrection, Messiah’s identity and personal character— are of eternal consequence, calling for personal faith.

Men’s 10 a.m. Bible study on Jan. 3 centers on eternal values. Anyone with questions is welcome to call (562) 430-8598.

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