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Cribbage Club

On Dec. 21, 42 members of the Cribbage Club celebrated the holiday season with a light lunch of sandwiches, chips and cookies before play began.

Candy Meyers won first place, scoring 842, and Pat Blum scored 828 for second place. Three members tied for third place with 827: Rosemary Wu, Pat Fellers and Marilyn Chelsvig. And Connie Deady placed fourth with a score of 823.

Bea Lissow won six out seven games, while Julie Milburn lost all seven games played.

The Cribbage Club meets every Tuesday in Clubhouse 1. Desserts and coffee are served at noon, with play beginning at 12:30 p.m. Partners are not needed to play. Players rotate at the end of each game, and seven games are usually concluded by 4 p.m. Club dues for 2022 are $3.

—Marilyn Chelsvig

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