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Adult Protective Services provides variety of safeguards


by Robann Arshat

member resources

The GRF Member Resources department is working to bring a team of social worker advocates to LW, streamlining the process for LWSB residents coping with age-related support issues.

The facility will rotate on-site representatives from Orange County Adult Protective Services, Alzheimer’s Orange County and the Southern California Council on Aging each week. The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) will also participate.

In recent issues, Alzheimer’s Orange County (Dec. 23) and the Southern California Council on Aging (Dec. 16) were highlighted. This week, Adult Protective Services (APS) is the focus. APS is a nationwide social services program that is provided by the state and local government for Orange County.

This program serves older adults 65-plus who are in need of assistance.

APS workers investigate and are focused on remedying cases of abuse, neglect or exploitation.

They work closely with a wide variety of allied professionals such as physicians, nurses, paramedics, firefighters and law enforcement officers. APS also has a vast list of appropriate community resources and assist the elderly and their family members in developing individualized care plans.

Anyone who suspects, observes or knows that an elder is being abused is encouraged to call in a report to APS viq the 24 hour hotline at 800-4515155. Each report is assigned to a senior social worker for investigation and case planning. The social worker will attempt to have a face-to-face meeting with the victimized elder in a timely manner.

The reporting party can rest assured in knowing that a professional social worker is assessing the situation, and everything is kept confidential and not disclosed to the victim, their family, nor the alleged abuser.

APS helps those who are or have been victimized and people who may simply be struggling with routine daily activities. APS assesses each individual’s unique need, then develops a service plan and connects individuals with resources to maintain his/her safety, health and independence. Every service plan for a competent adult is driven by the adult, not APS, family or others. The goal of APS is to help adults maintain their independence.

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